Baked Carrot Cake Protein Porridge

Baked Carrot Cake Protein Porridge

Many years ago if I had been told I would be putting cakes in porridge I probably would have thought it was a bonkers idea. Nowadays, I’m pleased to say, I’m a little bit more open minded. Therefore putting carrots in porridge doesn’t seem so bad. Especially when the results make breakfast taste like a yummy slice of carrot cake. It was so good, it’s a breakfast i’ll have to eat again and again.

What bonkers foods do you like to put into your breakfasts? Let me know in the comments below and please don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe.

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Serves 2


  • Vegetable grater
  • Measuring scales
  • Blender
  • Teaspoon
  • Small baking tin or loaf tin
  • Greaseproof paper
  • Skewer
  • Cooling rack


  • Oats x 90g
  • Almond flour protein x 60g or protein powder of your choice
  • Cashews x 30g
  • Pumpkin seeds x 10g
  • Sunflower seeds x 10g
  • Chia seeds x 10g
  • Flax seed x 10g
  • Dried prunes x 4 – 8 (optional)
  • Bananas x 2 large
  • Carrot x 1 large
  • Frozen berries x 2 handfuls
  • Coconut water, water or milk of your choice x 200 – 400mls
  • Ground ginger x 1 – 2 tsp
  • Ground sweet cinnamon x 1 – 2 tsp
  • Ground cloves x 1/2 tsp
  • Oil for the base of the pan
  • Honey x 1 – 2 tsp (optional)


  • Peel and grate the carrot.
  • Put the grated carrot, oats, almond flour protein powder or protein powder of your choice, cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, flax seed, dried prunes (stones removed, if any), bananas, coconut water, water or milk of your choice, ground ginger, ground sweet cinnamon or ground cloves into the blender.
  • Blend all these ingredients together.
  • Once all the ingredients are blended together pour into a large bowl with a lid.
  • Store in the fridge overnight.
  • The next day preheat the oven to 200°C or gas mark 6.
  • Measure the baking tin and cut the greaseproof paper according to the measurements.
  • Place the paper inside the tin and add a little bit of oil to the greaseproof paper on the base.
  • Remove the mixture from the fridge and poor into the tin.
  • Spread the mixture as evenly as possible across the base of the tin.
  • Once the oven has preheated put the mixture into the oven and bake for about 25 – 30 minutes.
  • When the porridge is gold brown on top remove from the oven.
  • Put a skewer into the porridge if it comes out clean ish it’s done.
  • If not put the porridge back into the oven for a further 3 – 5 minutes until it comes out clean ish.
  • Take the baked porridge out of the tin.
  • Put on the cooling rack and leave to cool until warm.
  • Drizzle a teaspoon of honey over the baked porridge.
  • Then serve and enjoy.
Baked Carrot Cake Protein Porridge

Baked Carrot Cake Protein Porridge was a delicious breakfast. It was easy to prepare but slightly time consuming to cook. If you were to eat this on the morning of cooking I would make sure to prepare it in advance. If you haven’t got a lot of time then I would cook this the day before and store it in the fridge. All the ingredients in this dish are freezable so you could make this in advance and just defrost the day before you want to eat it. However you decide to eat this breakfast, as always, please enjoy. Thank you xxx