Googie’s Kitchen Presents Raspberry and Chocolate Egg Pudding

Raspberry and Chocolate Egg Pudding

Eggs and chocolate are two of the most popular symbols of Easter. Eggs are a symbol of rebirth and the chocolate means that lent has ended. A lot of people give up chocolate for lent. Lent is a time for the Christian religion to fast for 30 days. Nowadays most people don’t do this but many years ago we used to do it every year. Some people will give up certain foods including chocolate or sweet treats.

Therefore I thought it would be a good idea to combine these two ingredients and make a yummy sweet treat everyone can enjoy. If you have been fasting or you have given up chocolate then this will be a treat to look forward too. We loved this dessert and we hope you do too. Below is a video and recipe for you. Below is a video and recipe for you.

Raspberry and Chocolate Egg Pudding

What’s your favourite custard dessert or sweet treat? Let me know in the comments below and please don’t forget to like and follow me.

Gifts from Grandpa is my NEW recipe book – out NOW and available to buy on Amazon for only £19.99. Plus £1 from the sale of each book will go to Crisis the homeless charity.


  • Nutribullet or blender
  • Large mixing bowl
  • Stirring spoon
  • Small bowls x 4
  • Baking tray


  • Egg x 4 large
  • Raspberries x 1 large handfuls
  • Raw cacao powder or cocoa powder x 25g
  • Tapioca starch or brown rice flour x 25g
  • Coconut or brown sugar x 50g
  • Coconut cream x 1 100mls


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C or gas mark 4.
  • Set a few raspberries aside for decoration.
  • Add the rest of the raspberries to the large mixing bowl.
  • Put the eggs, tapioca starch or brown rice flour, raw cacao powder or cocoa powder and coconut or brown sugar and coconut cream into the nutribullet or blender.
  • Blend these ingredients until smooth.
  • Pour the mixture from the nutribullet or blender cup over the raspberries in the large bowl.
  • Mix these ingredients together.
  • Now pour as evenly as you can into the small bowls.
  • Place the bowls onto the baking tray.
  • Then place the tray carefully into the oven and bake for about 25 – 30 minutes or until golden brown depending on your oven.
  • When the pudding has turned a lovely golden brown colour remove from the oven and leave to cool.
  • Once the bowls are cool enough to touch remove the puddings from the bowl and put onto plate or in bowls.
  • Add the raspberries set aside earlier and serve.
  • Then enjoy.
Raspberry and Chocolate Egg Pudding

Raspberry and Chocolate Egg Pudding was a delicious dessert that lots of people enjoyed in my little family. It’s an easy sweet treat to prepare and cook. These desserts could be made the day before and stored in the fridge overnight. They could also be made on the day and eaten later. This is one dessert that is delicious served hot or cold. It can be eaten with ice cream or our favourite coconut cream and maple syrup. However you decide to eat this treat, as always, please enjoy. Thank you. xxx