Googie’s Kitchen presents Bacon, Eggs and Pesto Potatoes

Eggs, Bacon, Pesto and Potatoes

A little while ago I made this dish with tuna and it was so good. The other day I decided to make this dish again. Unfortunately I found there wasn’t any tuna in the cupboard. I didn’t have time to go to the supermarket.

So I headed for the next best place . . . the fridge! I found eggs and Parma ham. (Bacon would work with this recipe too!) I put these ingredients together and I feel as though I made a very tasty meal with very few ingredients. We really enjoyed this meal and we hope you will too. Below is a video and recipe for you.

Eggs, Bacon, Pesto and Potatoes

What do you like to keep in your fridge? Let me know in the comments below and please don’t forget to like and follow me.

Gifts from Grandpa is my NEW recipe book – out NOW and available to buy on Amazon for only £19.99. Plus £1 from the sale of each book will go to Crisis the homeless charity.

Serves 4


  • Potato peeler
  • Saucepan
  • Baking tray
  • Tablespoon
  • Mixing bowl
  • Stirring spoon


  • Eggs x 4
  • Parma ham or bacon x 8 slices
  • New potatoes x 600g – 800g
  • Pesto x 4 – 8 tbsps of 1 recipe


  • Peel the new potatoes but this is optional.
  • Put a large saucepan onto a high heat and add boiling water from the kettle.
  • Once the water is boiling in the saucepan add in the potatoes.
  • Boil until they can fall from a fork so about 5 – 10 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and drain through a colander.
  • Set to one side to cool down.
  • Preheat the oven to 180°C and put the baking tray in at this point too.
  • When the oven is preheated carefully remove the baking tray from the oven.
  • Add in the cooked potatoes and drizzle oil over the top.
  • Toss the potatoes in the oil.
  • Put the tray back into the oven and cook for about 25 – 30 minutes or until golden brown.
  • Once the potatoes are golden brown remove them from the oven.
  • Put the potatoes into the large mixing bowl.
  • Place a frying pan onto a high heat on the hob.
  • Add oil to the base and wait for the pan to heat up.
  • When the pan is hot add in the slices of Parma ham and cook until they start to turn golden brown in colour.
  • Remove from the pan and leave to cool.
  • Depending on the size of your frying pan you may need to do this in two parts.
  • Crack the eggs into a bowl.
  • Pour the enough oil into the base of the pan to cover it and leave it to heat up.
  • Once the pan starts smoking it will be hot enough.
  • Pour in the eggs.
  • They will start to cook on the bottom very quickly.
  • Start to cut slits in the egg whites.
  • You will notice the top of the whites cooking as well.
  • Soon you will come to a point where you won’t be able to cut slits.
  • Now leave the eggs to cook until the whites start to surround the yolks.
  • The bottom of the eggs will hopefully be a lovely golden brown colour.
  • Remove from the heat and set to one side.
  • Gently fold the pesto together with the potatoes using the serving spoon.
  • Slice the Parma ham or bacon and fold into the potatoes as well.
  • Then serve with eggs on top and enjoy.
Eggs, Bacon, Pesto and Potatoes

Eggs, Bacon, Pesto and Potatoes was a really yummy dish that we all enjoyed. It was easy to prepare and cook. It would make great leftover too. I made the pesto at the weekend and froze it for during the week. You could also peel the potatoes the night before and soak in water overnight. That way it makes this dish really easy to cook. However you decide to eat this meal, as always, please enjoy. Thank you xxx