Googie’s Kitchen presents BBQ Meat Feast Omelette

In this house anything to do with a traditional English breakfast or a BBQ are always well received by my little family. My husband Howard and son Ted are huge fans of a fry up or anything cooked quickly over hot coals. I knew when I made this dish there wouldn’t be much complaining. It’s a great meal to feed a hungry family and it’s also packed with flavour too. We loved it and we hope you will too.

What’s your favourite meaty dish to serve to you or your family? Let me know in the comments below and please don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe.

Gifts from Grandpa is my NEW recipe book – out NOW and available to buy on Amazon for only £19.99. Plus £1 from the sale of each book will go to Crisis the homeless charity.


  • Sharp knife
  • Chopping board
  • Vegetable peeler
  • Grater
  • Frying pan
  • Plate
  • Mixing bowl
  • Fork
  • Baking tray


  • Chorizo x 160g
  • Parma ham or bacon x 4 – 8 slices
  • Potatoes x 800g
  • Eggs x 4 large
  • Leek x 1
  • Courgette x 1
  • Red pepper x 1
  • BBQ sauce x 2 – 4 tbsps
  • Mature cheddar x 120g or nutritional yeast x 4 tbsps (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Oil for the baking tray and pan


  • Preheat the oven to 180º or gas mark 4.
  • Start by peeling and chopping the potato into 1 centimetre cubes.
  • Put the potato cubes into the baking tray and drizzle oil over the top.
  • Toss the potatoes in the oil and put the baking tray into the oven for about 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Using the sharp knife score down the side of the chorizo and remove the skin.
  • Slice the chorizo into 1/2 centimetre pieces and set to one side.
  • Next roughly slice the Parma ham.
  • Next cut the top from the red pepper, remove the core and the stalk.
  • Slice and dice the flesh of the pepper.
  • Now peel the courgette and grate it.
  • Then finely slice the leek.
  • Crack the eggs into a bowl and mix with a fork.
  • Add in the BBQ sauce and stir into the scrambled eggs.
  • Set to one side.
  • Heat the frying pan to a medium heat and add the olive oil.
  • When the pan is hot put the Parma ham and chorizo into the pan.
  • Fry until the chorizo realises oil.
  • Once there is oil in the pan carefully remove the chorizo and place it on the plate.
  • Now add the leek to the pan and stir until it becomes soft.
  • It should take about 2 – 3 minutes.
  • Keep stirring the leek and add the pepper and courgette.
  • Stir the ingredients for another 3 – 5 minutes. (Or until everything is covered in the oil and it’s starting to soften.)
  • Sprinkle over salt and pepper to your taste.
  • Remove the tray from the oven and add in the ingredients from the frying pan and plate.
  • Stir everything together until all the ingredients are evenly spread across the base.
  • Pour over the egg and stir again until everything is evenly spread.
  • Grate the mature cheddar and sprinkle over the top or sprinkle over the nutritional yeast.
  • Put the baking tray back into the oven and cook the omelette for about 25 – 30 minutes or until golden brown.
  • Then serve with peas or a salad and enjoy.
BBQ Meat Feast Omelette

BBQ Meat Feast Omelette was a yummy meal that we all enjoyed. It was a very easy dish to prepare and cook. It does take almost an hour to make this dinner. Most of that time the ingredients are in the oven baking. Personally I wouldn’t freeze this meal but you could make it the day before and take it with you on a picnic or as part of a lunch. However you decide to eat this dish, as always, please enjoy. Thank you xxx